It's like holiday time!

António Ribeiro, Steven Van de Woestyne and Nathalie (Wijnhuis Tinto).

Despite the work we have to do, this 2 days we received a client from Belgium, Wijnhuis Tinto ( and we spent a lovely time tasting wines and visiting the vineyards from the Dão and the Douro. We finishid the "holiday time" with a nice lunch in the DOC restaurant, from the chef Rui Paula, over the Douro river.

The ancient vine

It's a tree? A green cottage ? A refuge? It's a vine, only one, with more than 100 years old. We can make a nap under the leaves, we can seat and rest, protect us from the sun or the rain. Despite the age, it produce good grapes. It's a beatifull old lady vine!!

One day in Serralves (Porto)

Not often, we take a break with our son. Today it was in Serralves, to visit the garden and the museum.

Portuguese tour with Philippe Demarest

António from Quinta de Segade, Philippe Demarest and António (father and son) from CASA de MOURAZ.

Philippe regarding the magical vineyard Vale da Sobreira in Mouraz (Dão).

Philippe and António taking pictures in the vineyard of Chão do Vale, in MOuraz (Dão).

Philippe Demarest will be our commercial director in France. After August / September, the wines of CASA de MOURAZ will be available in all France. Our warehouse it's in Chartres (near Paris) and we can deliver directly to shops, restaurants, hotels and individual consumers in several departments of France in a couple of days. We profit to visit the vineyards of CASA de MOURAZ in the Dão and also our project in the Vinho Verde, with Quinta de Segade and other partners.

Tasting of Dão wines with Sarah Ahmed (The Wine Detective).

Several wine producers from the Dão have participated in the tasting organized by Viniportugal with the wine journalist Sarah Ahmed, from The Wine Detective (who is in charge of selecting this year the “50 great Portuguese wines in England”), David Williams (responsible for a weekly upright section about Portuguese wines in the magazine Off Licence News) and Neil Phillips.We presented the new white vintages of CASA de MOURAZ, the blend and the Encruzado 2008 and the reds CASA de MOURAZ 2007 and CASA de MOURAZ Private Selection 2006 (both awarded with Silver Medals in Decanter World Wine Awards 2009). The place was the Solar do Vinho do Dão, in Viseu.

Nice working Sunday

António, Teresa de Rosário and Peter.
Sometimes the best day to receive visits in CASA de MOURAZ is Sunday. And yesterday it was a very nice and hot Sunday (more than 35ºC). We received the visit from Rosário & Prange, from Köln (Germany), a company created by a portuguese woman specialized on portuguese wines ( We lunched in Três Pipos restaurant in Tonda, some representative dishes from our region of Beiras - the famous "bacalhau" and "polvo (octopus) frito com migas", both perfect with the whites from CASA de MOURAZ. We tasted all our wines, it was a big lunch!! After we went to Mouraz, to visit our winery. It was very hot to do a walk in the vineyards. It's for the next visit...

"Prova Oral" in the Oceanário of Lisbon with Fernando Alvim

The wines from CASA de MOURAZ served in the party and view from the balcony of Oceanário (Lisbon).
Last week (the 9th July) we participated in the radio show "Prova Oral" with Fernando Alvim (Antena 3), Alexander Ellis (ambassador from England in Portugal), Livia Tirone (architect specialized in sustainable building) and the owner of the Oceanário of Lisbon, João Falcato. The "green" subject, organized by the magazine Time Out Lisboa, was the environment and the sustainable development. It was the oportunity of talking about topics like ways of saving energy at home, in the streets, in the work, ecological practices, production and consumption of organic products and organic wines. And it was also the oportunity to discover that there are a deficient information about organic wines and a lot of misunderstandings. But at the end, the important was that all the people liked a lot the organic wines from CASA de MOURAZ.

Album from Vinexpo Tour

A tour in Château Fonroque

Vinexpo is the pretext for a France Vineyards Tour. This year, as 2 years ago, we visited St. Emilion. Even if it's very crowded with people from over the world, it's a lovely village with beautifull wineries and vineyards.
And we had to thank Mr. Alain Moueix, from Château Fonroque, for the way he received us. We visited the vineyards, the winery, we saw the concrete's egg to do the maturation of the wines, we talked about organic and biodynamic farming and, at the end, we tasted some refined Grand Crus of Château Fonroque and Le Moulin du Cadet. It was a great morning!

La Renaissance des Appellations at Vinexpo

The 23th June it was the tasting of Renaissance des Appellations in Vinexpo. It was the oportunity to see some of our clients and meet some new potential ones and also to seesome wines producers and taste their wines. It was nice to discouver some wines from Austria and France done with grapes as Chenin Blanc, Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris or Gruner Veltliner.

Arrive to our table at 8:30th and start to prepare all for the tasting.
Presenting our wines.

The Lac of Bordeaux near Vinexpo and the ramp to access the fair.

Visit of Raymond Reynolds

Last month it was full of good things.
The visit of Raymond Reynolds, our agent in England, with his colleague Danny Cameron and several clients of their. We did a nice tasting on the shadow of a fig tree, outside the winery, the weather was great, with a lot of sun!

Sara Dionísio, António Ribeiro (Casa de Mouraz) and Chris Cooper (sommelier of St Alban Restaurant in London).

Uma parte da história, por António Lopes Ribeiro

Nasci em Dezembro de 1970, numa casa de granito construída pelo meu pai, António Ribeiro, num terreno herdado pela minha mãe, Maria Fernanda, outrora pertença do meu avô que por sua vez o tinha recebido do meu bisavô. A pedra utilizada na sua construção foi, ela própria, arrancada nesse terreno. Segundo conta o meu pai, hoje com mais de 80 anos, a casa e os armazéns demoraram dois anos a construir. De uma terra inóspita e praticamente inculta nasceu uma bela construção e vários terraços perfeitamente aráveis, onde viria a nascer a vinha do Outeiro. Conta também que, nesse ano, em virtude da grande preocupação com a obra, perdeu praticamente toda a colheita de vinho...

Mesmo assim ainda teve tempo para plantar uma nova vinha. Nasci sobre uma adega, com cubas de betão, lagar e tonéis. Em Dezembro os vinhos ainda se ajeitavam no interior do vasilhame e os seus aromas atravessavam o tabuado que separava a adega do meu quarto. Sou o quarto filho, irmão de Adriano, Hélder e Jorge.